Thursday, January 30, 2014

McGill Track and Field Meet!

My challenge for 2014 is to create a sports portfolio and work on bringing my biggest two passions together. Here is the first sports event I have ever shot, I'm looking forward to many many more. The room was filled with a familiar smell, deep heat and sweat. As I walked around trying not to get in anyones way, a million things were happening. Warm ups, 3000M, high jump, pole vault and long jump while shot putt and hurdles were in the beginning stages. I needed eyes on the back of my head, in the front and in the camera. I decided to just pick a spot for the 3000M and hope for the best. Patience is key, I sat there waiting for what I felt was about to happen and trying to read the persons every move, all the while looking through a small hole. That same person was moving at an intense pace and in a second what I was trying to capture is over, so back to waiting game I went. Frustration sometimes broke in after missing a key moment or because my camera reacted too slowly. Lessons have been learned and I am off out again tonight to see how I get on shooting basketball and tomorrow an ice hockey game.